Irene Ros

Theatre and Performance Practitioner

Siamo in linea Research

Siamo in linea, 2022

Siamo in linea is the second creative outcome of the AHRC-SGSAH-funded PhD project “Performing Stragismo and Counter-spectacularisation: Italian right-wing Terrorism and Its Legacies”.

It is an interactive installation that includes tablets, each dedicated to one participant. The audience can select a question or more (out of six, the same for each participant) to ask the women, having an “interview-like” experience.

More than Fuori Programma, the installation exposes the process of creation: the answers that the women give often result from assembling different bits of conversations, laying bare in front of the audience the incompleteness and partiality of the material with which they engage. At the same time, the cuts reveal the power structure and encourage the audience to reflect on agency in participatory practices.

Presented at:

Scottish Graduate School for Arts and Humanities Summer School, Glasgow, 23-24 June 2022